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Welcome to The Brave Little Coder!
My name is Jack, and I’m here to guide you through the joy of programming. I plan on writing posts covering beginner to advanced techniques, and will always be honest upfront about the difficulty level of each post. Unlike a school course, there is no time limit or specific order in which you should read these posts. There also won’t be a decade (or more) of loans to pay back because of reading this site. However, I fully intend for this site to supplement a school or university course… and I welcome your feedback!

The joy of programming can be felt by people of any age. I’m a Millenial that wrote my first program in Visual Basic 5.0 when I was 7 years old (and I still have it). I was instantly hooked at being able to tell the computer what to do, and hope to share this joy with anyone “afraid” of programming.

Too often, courses and websites focus on a specific programming language. However, learning a programming language is like learning a spoken language: Once someone learns the first language, he or she can learn another fairly easily. This includes Scripting Languages such as PowerShell, JavaScript, and even TorqueScript. In addition, a lot of languages tend come and go before one can even fully learn them! These are the reasons I want to cover general concepts – and not just a specific language.

Please relax and join me in a low-stress series of introductory posts. I can’t wait to begin, and hope you are excited too!


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